
Monday, May 2, 2011

Gimmie "S'more Pie" - Camping treat

My sister brought a new idea camping this year. She had some "Keebler" mini graham cracker pie crusts and wondered what it would be like to use those for "smores" rather than graham cracker and adding bananas like"banana boats" and combined the two.

So, we took bananas and cut them up into small pieces and put them into the pie shell. We then put in chocolate chunks or chocolate chips and either put in mini marshmallows or one large one and cooked it using the double tines hot dog roasting forks.

I wanted my marshmallows more roasted so I roasted the marshmallows at the same time on a different roaster so they would be more melted all the way through.

I am not a big marshmallow fan or a smore fan usually. I personally like the coconut marshmallows and roast maybe one a year. However, I found these interesting swirled chocolate/vanilla marshmallows that were a hit with the kids this year made by Kraft. I did find that they were a bit more sticky as when I went to buy a bag, they were all stuck together in the bags so I searched to find one that wasn't smushed together.

Even though I am not big on the smores thing, I enjoyed my "smore pie" better than I would a regular smore because it had the banana making it like a banana boat which I like more.

It was a big hit with the kids. Each added what they liked. I think next year I will take peanut butter chips, mint chips and butterscotch chips so we can have more of a variety. Banana with peanut butter chips sounds yummy to me.

Here is my niece eating hers. I wonder if she ate more hair and dirt than pie. Either way, she was happy. You'll have your campers asking for "S'more Pie" if you try this. Happy camp fire!

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