
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Camping Fun Activities - Part 2 Traditions

My Family, as I said in yesterday's post, has gone camping every Easter (as well as at least one other time a year) since I can remember and before. For the past 16 years at least, (no one could remember the first year) we have gone to the same spot for Easter since it is in a warmer part of the state in which most of them live. It is also secluded and in somewhat of a bowl so that the kids can't wander far.

We did have a few wander off one year in search of reindeer they wanted to find and ride. We still haven't figured out where that idea came from as there are not even deer in the area where we camp. Another year one sweetie walked down the road and found another camping group. We were headed off to call for help when one of our group found her.

However, that isn't what I wanted to post about. We have for years at this site put up a zip-line. I shouldn't say "we" as it is my dad that brings most of the items and my brothers and he put it up. I am amazed at the things my dad can create for fun. He really is creative. So, here are some photos of the zip-line and how they make it. Also included are some great photos of the kids going down the zip-line.

I have always taken a Little Tikes baby swing for those little one's we have always had. However, a few years ago, one of the inventive brothers hooked the swing up to the zip-line so that the younger children could enjoy the zip-line along with the older children. In all the years with the zip-line, we have had one child slip half way down but the fall from there isn't large and we have never had an injury. It keeps the kids going for hours and hours. We have had a rail some years but as the children get older, they seem to do better without one.

They also string up a long swing which makes fun for all. We used to have the baby swing on a lower branch but we had no babies this year. My youngest Princess asked when they were putting up the swing this year as she thought she had waited long enough on our first day. There probably isn't 5 minutes that go past while we are in camp that the swing is empty. There are laughs and giggles continually as they twist, spin, swing and play on the swing. I am amazed that there aren't fights over it as they all seem to take turns pushing, twisting and swinging. Here my sisters twins get pushed this year.

We do have an amazing family and I am GRATEFUL I now live close enough to enjoy their company and the fun we have together. I am so blessed.

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