
Monday, April 25, 2011

Camping Kettle Corn over the Fire

So, I really have some fun things I want to post but after being sick last week (due to lack of sleep and sitting under WalMart's air conditioning for hours of scanning) and having been camping all weekend and the busy day we had Sunday, I am exhausted and will ask you to enjoy this post and know I will get to all the other fun things going on in our lives after getting some sleep.

We were camping this past Easter week and my younger brother pulls out a container of popcorn, sugar, butter and a wok. He asked if anyone wanted Kettle Corn.

I have never made Kettle Corn. I have eaten it at events before but had never tried to make it at home. I like my coconut oil popcorn so this one was new to me.

He pulled some hot coals from the fire and placed them on the side and made them flat. He placed 1/4 cup of butter, 1/4 cup of sugar, and 1/2 cup of popcorn kernels into the wok. He shook the pan gently over the coals and in about 2 minutes, the pan was popping away at an even pace. It was so interesting to me. I tried years ago to use "Jiffy Pop" over the fire but much of the popcorn burnt before the rest of the kernels popped and once it is open, you can't pop it anymore.

My brother suggested that you buy a used wok at a store or yard sale and keep it just for camping popcorn. I can see the wisdom in that as my guess is the bottom will bet rather black being used in the fire.

We pulled out a bowl and I got some cups out and we all enjoyed eating the popcorn around the fire. My nephew took over on the last of the three batches that we made and he didn't shake it as much and the sugar got a bit burnt so if you are making this at home or on the camp fire, I suggest that you keep it moving. I think I may try this at home with some cinnamon on it and use coconut oil rather than the butter to see if I can get it to taste like coconut popcorn as I like it that way.

I will let you know how it works out. I know they have several flavors for sale at events so I will need to find and try some recipes. I hope you all had a great Easter.

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