
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cubby Bookshelf for Free! Part 2

I was going to spray paint the bookshelf with some left over paint that I had but then decided since it was going on a desk against a wall and only one side would be showing, I would just cover that side with fabric.

Once the shelf was in place on the desk, I started putting yarn in it. I had it all sorted by type of material or by color. For example, you can see in the photo above that I put all the variegated, baby yarn, wool, bobble, rug yarn and similar colors into different cubbies.

By doing this, I emptied 5 medium bins, 4 small bins, 1 large tote, three plastic drawers and a few bags of yarn. Before, when the kids wanted to make a hat for charity or work on a project, they would have to ask me and I would pull out all the bins and line them up in the hallway. They would get what they needed and then I would pack them all up again and put them away. Now, they walk into the craft, sewing room and pull out what they want with no stress, time or effort on my part.

I bought a few types of yarn today at a second hand store and it took me all of 30 seconds to put them where they go rather than having to wait until I have time to pull out all the bins.

One of the best things about it was that it was free other than a roll of clear packing tape. I didn't even use a whole roll.

This would be great for fabric, kids toys, etc. I like that if I need to move it, all I have to do is to pull out the lid flaps and fold or tape them up and now I can move the whole shelf with all the yarn in it with no problem. Also, if I ever want to get rid of the yarn, I can reuse the boxes. It is recyclable!

There are so many uses. Shoes, clothes for kids each day of the week. Cubbies for kids school and art projects, just put the child's name hanging from the top and it will keep them neat and organized. They would be good mailboxes for workers. Put your thinking cap on and I am sure you can think of somewhere you could use this idea at home or work and save yourself some money in the process.

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