
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentines Tradition Part 1

Since my girls started middle school and had lockers, I would go on Valentines day and decorate their lockers. They got a new principle and he didn't allow it when my second daughter went so I had to stop.

We got a new principle a few years ago and we were back in business. So, each Valentines day, I take a gift to the school and decorate their lockers. They don't use lockers in high school so it is only while they are in the middle school years that I do it.

We have another tradition for Valentines day but I will blog about that after this weekend when all five of my girls will be home. They wanted to wait to do it until their sister was home from school for the long weekend.

I was really touched as one of my daughters approached my oldest and asked if they could take me to dinner or get me flowers. My oldest came to me and asked which I would like. I suggested that since we usually like my cooking better than eating out most times and I would enjoy flowers but what I would enjoy more is eating my spicy shrimp, asparagus, artichokes and my famous potato salad. Our mouths began to water just at the thought. I also suggested we rent a movie and do a pedicure night.

So, off to the store I went and bought all the items needed. I will blog about my potato salad tomorrow. I wish I had blogged the shrimp but we ate it and I forgot to take pictures. :-( I will have to do that next time.

We enjoyed a yummy family dinner, movie and I even got a pedicure with help from my oldest. How could you top that!?

The year I found a Valentine t-shirt for my daughter that collected Snoopy was a fun one. She uses it as a night shirt.
Until I started blogging, I didn't realize how many family traditions we had that make life fun. We are so blessed. I hope you all had as wonderful a Valentines Day as we did!

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