
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Now You See It Part 3

My youngest daughter has some eye issues and we have been working on them. I posted on two other posts called "Now You See It" part one and two.

Since those posts, she went to see the eye Dr. again and as we were walking in, I told her that I felt that her eyes were worse. She asked me why. I told her that each time she went to put a contact in that week, she would tell me something she didn't like to see. "My friend did this." or "someone did that." We went in and sure enough, her eyes had gotten worse. The right eye was back into special order contacts but not as bad as it started. She was sad but we had him order another set.

We talked about things again and it came up that she didn't want to see some things clearly because it hurts to see people you like hurt you. If you can't see what people are doing, it doesn't hurt as much. We discussed how this affects her not being able to see people she loves clearly as well. We had a busy few weeks and because of some of the fears she has in her life, she wasn't able to let it go before we had our next visit. That visit, her eyes were the same but the contacts were really bothering her. So we all decided it best to wait on the contacts.

I suggested we order new glasses since her eyes had improved so much. She looked at what they had available and wasn't able to find something she liked. I have, over the years, bought some glasses at second hand stores to use for the frames since they are the part that is so expensive. I told her we would look at what I had before we ordered new glasses.

We found some she really liked in the 20 or so I had. However, she begged me to work with her again and see if we could get her eyes better. Fast forward through my oldest coming home sick, the holidays etc. I didn't work with her with all that going on.

Two weeks ago I told her we really needed to get moving on things and suggested since she was having a hard time that she put signs up all over the house saying how grateful she is that she can see and see clearly.

She spent a Saturday morning making little post it notes with markers and put them all over the house. I didn't help her with this at all. I only made the suggestion. When I walked around the house for the next few days, I was pleasantly surprised where I found signs. My favorite was this one she put in the downstairs bathroom which has a beach theme.

Something interesting happened the other day. My fourth daughter who is the only other member of the family to wear glasses, came home from school and told me that she was having a hard time seeing clearly with her contacts in.

It has been about 3 weeks since my youngest stuck signs all over the house. We have all been enjoying them. Even when we watch a movie together, there is a sign just below the TV that lets us be "Grateful we can see clearly!"

So, it will be interesting to see if the signs are helping their eyes. I'll have to keep you posted. Check out the other posts if you missed them. It has been fun to hear the comments our friends have made when they come to visit and see the signs.
How about you? Are you greatful you can see Clearly? ;-)

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