
Friday, February 4, 2011

Dance With Me.. Jr Prom Blessings Part 1

My third daughter got asked to Jr. Prom this week. I started to blog about that but thought I would put this post in first. As I started to write about how blessed we were to find her a beautiful dress, my heart was turned to a sweet memory of how my second daughter got her prom dress.

So, first I will tell you the wonderful story and blessing from that experience and then will share the rest in another post.

My mother almost died a few years ago and I lived away from my children for most of almost four months while I was at the hospital in intensive care with her. I was tight for money traveling long distances on a regular basis and wasn't home to help my daughter get ready for her prom.

I promised her I wo
uld be there on her prom night but wasn't much help with anything else. My oldest daughter came down and did her hair. Some sweet people who didn't want to be identified called a local prom dress store in town and gave them my daughters name and phone number and asked them to call us and offer her to come in and pick out a dress for free. They picked up the bill. She went down and tried on many dresses until she found one that was liked that was modest and made her feel like a princess. She found one she loved that was too large. We called a few other stores and they didn't have one so they had the dress altered to fit her.

They told her to get whatever she wanted. She is a big Audrey Hepburn fan and so she picked up long gloves which really made the dress work. I had jewelry so the ensemble was complete.

They Sweet p
eople also called a local photographer who donated a free photo shoot and a free 8 x 10 print. For anyone who knows my daughter, the photo shoot was more fun for her than prom! She loves getting her photo taken and the photographer had so much fun with her they took over 500 pictures. She had us all rolling with her funny uses for everyday items and pictures.

She looked beautiful and had a wonderful time. There was another blessing for which we were so grateful. There is a "father/daughter dance" or "Mother/son" dance they have after the promenade at Prom where the introduce everyone. My girls don't have the best relationship with their father for many reasons and my oldest daughter danced with her uncle at her prom. I mentioned this to my sister and without my knowing, she called my dad who lives a 3 hour drive from our home.

My dad called my daughter and asked if he could be her "date" for the "Father/daughter" dance that night. He drove down, paid to get in, watched the promenade, had one dance with my daughter, told her how much he loved her and how proud he was of the woman she had become, hugged her and was off late at night to drive the three hours home because he had an early morning meeting the next day.

What a cherished memory he created for a beautiful granddaughter. She will never forget that kindness. He was in town for all of about 30 minutes. Sometimes we have people in our lives who will hurt and torment us for whatever reason. However, God places others in our lives that more than make up for the sadness that one can inflict. How blessed my girls are to have such loving people in their lives. I hope I will make that difference for others in some small way...

Thanks Grandpa and all you "sweet people" who made that such a special memory for her.

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