
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Biggest Loser Family Style

My siblings and a few in-laws have decided to do "The biggest loser family style" for six months. At our New Years Eve party, those who decided to take the challenge all got front, back, and side pictures taken.

We each decided how much we wanted to lose in the six month total. We then divided that total by six. I wanted to lose 50 lbs or so. Divide that total by six months and you get 8.33 lbs per month I would need to lose. Break that down further by week and so we divided the amount we wanted to lose by 4 weeks in a month and I would need to lose just over 2 lbs a week.

My sister-in-law researched the best way to keep track as everyone wasn't comfortable with their weight being broadcast. So, she set up a spread sheet and they are doing it by percentage of body weight lost. So we all paid $5 into a pot. If we make our monthly goals, we don't have to pay anything into the pot. If we don't make our monthly goals, we pay $5 into the pot. The "Biggest Loser" will win the pot at the end of the six months. I figure if more than one makes the goal weight, we all go out to dinner. I am not sure the others will see it that way but that is how I feel. Here is a photo of me on Day 1. I hope I can proudly post the final day in six months.

It is nice that we are all wanting the others in the group to succeed because we all love each other. My younger sister was in a group this last year and it was very competitive as she didn't know people that well. I was proud of her as she won the contest. She has decided to do it again this year and just maintain her current weight so that she doesn't gain any of the weight she lost back. I also thought that was a good idea.

At the same time we started this, the community where I live started a healthy city program. Here are some of the fliers they handed out on our first weight in. They are doing it for three months. If you fill out your flier and show up for all the "weigh in" nights, they will put your name in for a drawing to win a Wii Fit system. So, my oldest daughter and I are also doing that for more motivation.

The fliers suggest working out the equivalent of a mile walking a day. I have been doing the advanced workout for Bodyflex which I find good for me as it isn't really long or draining as some others made me feel. It also suggests 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day which isn't hard for me to read since I did that anyway. The last suggestion is 8 glasses of water. I probably am close to that depending on the day I may fall short if I am not at home.

So, I am a bit ahead of schedule which is good. But, I have found if I am not taking my iodine (see blog pages for more information on this) and I am not eating 30% of my diet in healthy fats, ie. raw nuts, coconut oil, avocados etc, I don't lose weight as fast as I do when I am using those two rules daily.

Here is our latest email showing how we are fairing in the contest. No one knows any ones number but their own. They can see how they are doing compared to the rest without knowing who is winning.

"Hi Everyone!OK - here are the % for the week. Please remember that it is this Sunday's weigh in that counts. Make sure you hit your goal. If not - then please pay the pot. We still are waiting for 1 person. I will send that one out when it comes.Thanks to all of you and great big hugs!

1 2.9

2 6.1

3 -1.8

4 0.4

5 5.0

6 1.3

7 1.0

8 4.9"

So, there are some ideas and ways our group is doing it. Here's to the BIGGEST loser!

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