
Friday, December 10, 2010

Food Bank Grand Opening

What a wonderful but long day. My oldest and I got up and headed to the food bank to get things ready. It was great and everything went well. Here my oldest is sitting on the bench I redid with a "visitor" to the food bank. We enjoyed visits from Senators, Legislators, the Mayor, County Commissioners, the head of the State Food Bank and best of all, the wonderful people I get to volunteer with.

Here is the "serving area" because you can't have a "kitchen" as that would be a restaurant so we can just "heat things up" as needed. We had two beautiful tables of many types of cookies donated by the local churches. We had enough cookies for about twenty tables they brought so many over. How blessed I am to live in such a place.

I surprised the out going chairman of the board with a blanket stitched with the logo and words of thanks and I was able to surprise the director with a hand made quilt from her Mother-in-law stitched with "Each stitch on this quilt represents someone you have helped through your service to the food bank. We thank you." I was also able to get her a hotel night, and dinner for two along with a spa kit to help her relax after all her hard work getting the building done.

I enjoyed handing out certificates of appreciation, awards and sharing about the plaques that will hang on the wall in the new board room and thanking all those who donated along with those who served.

There were 40 door prizes and a few larger "raffle" items but you can't hold a "raffle" because that would be gambling so we held a "drawing" and because of the large prizes, there were many people there.

All in all, it was a wonderful day. By the time we cleaned up and ran errands and returned home it was about 6 p.m. I was hosting a Christmas singles dinner at 7 at a local restaurant with a gift exchange. I hurriedly emptied the car and enjoyed a nice meal with a good sized group, many of whom I had never met. It is nice to see the group growing. I started it almost 2 years ago with a few singles I knew from work a few years before and it has continued to grow since then.

I was glad to get home after as I had a headache all day and it finally started to rain which relieved a bit of the head pressure. Even with the headache, I was grateful to be able to enjoy the wonderful blessings of living in a community that gives so much to help others and to enjoy a night with old friends and to make new ones.

I am truly blessed and grateful for the day.

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