
Monday, November 22, 2010

Personal Magnetic Paper Dolls - Part 4

Since we first started making these dolls, I have found some fun things to add.

First thing I did was go through some holiday magazines. If I found a clothing item in the magazine that I liked, I cut it out and made it into a magnet for the dolls. The adds are in color and are usually about the same size as the dolls we made. I cut out several hats and scarfs. Several different Santa hats were fun.

Second, if the girls are doing something fun with costumes or spirit clothes or formals, I have had them stand against a wall and I will measure the size in the view finder and have them stick out their arm so we can continually add to the assortment of clothes and items for the dolls. I did it with them on spirit day and in their Halloween costumes.

If you want to make a doll for yourself or other family members that don't want to pose, just cut out their head. My third daughter didn't want to make a doll but I printed out a picture of her in her formal dress and cut out just her head as it was the right size for the dolls. Put a magnet on the head and now, it is a doll because you can put it over the body of one of the main dolls, or you can just add hair, clothes etc.

Another fun thing was cutting out antlers, horns, ears, big eyes etc to make the dolls into cartoon type dolls. I went through some catalogs and found things in adds that I thought would be funny to add. Let yourself go crazy and make it fun including the kids in the finding process. You could even have the kids draw some clothes for themselves by tracing out the body onto paper and letting them design some clothes and then putting them on magnets and they become fashion designers.

Lastly, we have pictures of my missionary daughter on the fridge and we all started dressing them up with items. It got funny sometimes but even if you don't make a doll, the items can be placed over pictures you already have.

The choices and ideas of how to make this fun go on and on. I hope you have as much fun with this as we did.

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