
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Personal Magnetic Paper Dolls - Part 2

We have had so much fun with these dolls and get comments on them when anyone comes to the house.

For clothes, we went through her clothes and picked outfits that she likes and wears often. She wanted to mix and match the tops and the bottoms so we tried to tuck in shirts when possible. Regular clothes can get boring and expensive to print so I would suggest about three pant/shirt options.

Next, we pulled out clothes for all occasions. Swimming, snow, sports, pajamas, robes etc. We then pulled out things that would accent those items such as basket balls, slippers, swim noodle, boots and similar items.

Then, we had her get into dress up clothes. We took out her favorite dress up costumes and put those on. We had her hold all sorts of things in her hand such as a microphone, cell phone, ipod, cup, sports items, dress up items, purses.

Lastly, we did dresses and personal items that she enjoys. She plays the clarinet. This would be things they do such as team uniforms, dance costumes, church dresses, school colors and similar things that make them personal.

We never took a picture that didn't have different shoes, hair, hat, something in her hand or a different outfit. To save on printing and time, we put as many items in each picture as we could. I did her hair down, in braids, in pony tails and we put several wigs on and many hats.

It doesn't matter if the outfit matches because you are going to cut out the shoes, hat, arm, and outfit all on their own individually anyway so mix and match as you can fitting in as many items in the smallest amount of pictures.

I couldn't believe how my older daughter got into helping her dress and come up with ideas on what to wear.
This was fun for the whole family.... Tomorrow, magnets...

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