
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

No More Brace Face

This has been a busy week for our family. My fourth daughter was told just over a year ago when she got her braces, that she would have braces on longer than any of her sisters. She has one sister that had braces for over 3 years so she was sad about that news.

Last month, her orthodontist said she may have her braces off by Christmas. She thought there wouldn't be any way that could happen. However, last week she was told they would be coming off. They gave her the option of last Friday or a few more weeks. Of course, she chose last Friday which also happened to be the day we were picking up her older sister at the airport.

It was such an exciting day for her having only had the braces just over a year. She told me on the way home from getting her braces off, "We can move now mom." I asked what she meant, She said, "Now I have my braces off and wear contacts, I don't look so gawky." I told her she has always been beautiful and that people would love her for what is on the inside and that is what matters. However, I am grateful that we live in such a blessed land that each of my girls could have braces to give them such beautiful smiles.

My oldest said to me as I was writing this, "In the Philippines, you have to be very, very wealthy to have braces." I am not wealthy by the worlds view but in my heart, I am one of the most wealthy people I know.

Here's to us all being so "wealthy!"

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