
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Zucchini Brownies by Julie

My girlfriend Julie gave these brownies a few weeks ago. It was so good. It was more like a cake or bread than brownies. We enjoyed it so much I asked her if I could share it.

The second one she gave us was more like a cake with frosting but it was her standard brownie recipe but she added two cups zucchini and increased the flower and sugar a bit until it was a brownie consistency. My kids liked it so here it is:

Brownies with Zucchini

2 cubes butter
2 Tbsp cocoa

Melt the above in a microwave bowl until melted.

Mix by hand:

2 cups sugar
2 cups flour
pinch of salt

Pour butter over sugar mix then add:

1 tsp vanilla
4 eggs

Mix together until moist.

Add 2 cups zucchini and add flour until brownie texture again. You can add more sugar if desired.

Pour into a baking pan and bake at 350 for 25 to 30 minutes.

Cover with your favorite frosting recipe. She uses a butter frosting which my girls and I enjoyed just fine!

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