
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Baked at Home Corn Tortilla Chips

I went to a friends today to give her some of the vegetable and black bean salsa I made yesterday and when I walked in, her house smelled wonderful and she pulled homemade tortilla chips out of the oven and we took a hot chip and sampled the salsa I had just delivered.

I thought the timing was so funny as I don't visit this friend often but she often shares her excess of fruit with me knowing I dehydrate. I had no idea she was making these chips. I had actually never made my own chips before and she had some extra corn tortillas her son brought from the southwest on his visit. She sent me home with a stack to try.

She used Pam cooking spray on her chips. I used butter. I buttered both sides of the tortilla and cut them easily using a pizza cutter. I set the oven to broil and let it heat while I buttered and cut the tortillas. I then lightly salted them using "Real Salt" from Redmond, UT. I really like the flavor of this salt and that it has minerals in it. We buy it bulk and use it for everything.

I then broiled them for about 5 minutes checking frequently. Once they started turning golden, I removed them. The kids LOVED them and asked that I make another tray.

Neither tray lasted very long and the stack of tortillas was gone. I will have to do these again. The kids liked that they were warm and still a bit chewy with a crunch.

Served with the vegetable and black bean salsa on yesterday's post, it was our dinner! YUM!

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