
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mad Hatters of Service - part 2

My girls went to their dad's for three weeks. They don't have much to do while he is at work so I suggested that they take their hat looms and make some baby hats to donate to the hospital or woman shelter.

In two of the three weeks there, they made about 10 hats. Using time they would have used just to watch tv, they were able to use all the yarn they took with them and make some cute hats.

They finished them to the point that they either needed to be tied off and made into a beanie or have a pom pom made and finished up. I spent a few minutes this week finishing off the hat they did. I have some regular yarn they could use but they don't like that yarn as much and lose interest with the solid colors. So, I thought that we needed more cute yarn to keep them interested and give variety to the hats.

Heavenly Father is so amazing in our lives. If we think of something we want or need even without verbalizing it, we are blessed with it within days. I went to one of our favorite second hand stores and just coming out was a cart with skeins of fun yarn. They were all less than $1 a skein and now we have plenty of yarn for hats.

The girls each entered one of their cute hats into the county fair and both won ribbons for their work.

I am hoping they will have enough soon that we can donate them. They did give one to their newest cousin born last month. He looked so cute in his camo hat!

Thank you Lord for always providing just what we need when we need it!

1 comment:

  1. I wold love to learn how to make these for my little baby coming in January.
