
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"I Fought the Lawn...."

Three weeks ago, my daughter called me while I was grocery shopping telling me that the wheel fell off our mower. I thought she was talking about the black rubber part that was falling off the hard white plastic center. She tried to continue mowing as I told her to just keep pushing it. Sweet obedient daughter that she is, she tried.

The axle on the mower broke. I had someone look at it and it was a Honda mower so parts are expensive and it was over $200 to get the part and the auto drive wasn't working so it wasn't smart to put any money into it. I looked at second hand stores and called around looking for a used mower. I had no luck. We went out of town for two weeks and the lawn grew out of control while we were gone. I tried to hire some of the boys in our neighborhood but they were all at scout camp or on vacation. I didn't want to borrow a mower but was getting to the point I needed to something.

I finally gave up on myself trying to fix it. I knelt and had a heart to heart with my Heavenly Father just as I would my dad and told him that I was doing everything I can right now with my kids, home, church, service, etc and that I would even take care of the mowing but I was needing his help to take care of the mower part.

Later that afternoon I felt like I should go to the local Honda Dealership and ask them if they had any old mowers I could buy the parts I needed off them because the motor was still good on my old mower even though the automatic drive didn't work. The owner told me they didn't have one for parts but that they had a few trade in mowers that he could sell me for $350 or a new one with interest free for a year.

I explained my income and how that wouldn't be in the budget until my oldest returns from her missionary work in the Philippines. I thanked him for his time and left. The next morning at almost the exact time I had knelt in prayer asking for God's help, I got a call from the Owner of the Honda dealership. He said they just took a trade in and they were going to order some parts and give it to me for free! He told me that it would probably be ready on Monday.

I got a call today, and... I was blessed to even have it dropped off at my front door. I didn't even have to pick it up.

I KNOW that Heavenly Father is real and that he does exist and that he LOVES us all and cares about the little things if they will make our lives easier. I know I like to do the little things for my kids, how much more would our Father be as he knows us better than we know ourselves.
So, I mowed until it was dark and got half the lawn done. What a blessing that the Honda dealer listens to Angels. :-)

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