
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sing, Sing a Song.....

Many years ago, I heard a talk tape of a famous singer saying that he would go volunteer singing at an old folk's home. He would ask each patient their favorite song and then would sing it.

When I was going through my divorce, During my first holiday alone, I had the thought that I could be sad and lonely, or, I could go serve those who may be even more sad and lonely. I did have family and friends who invited me to spend the day with them but it would have been hard to watch their children and not have mine there.

I decided that since I has a license to touch, I would give the nursing home patients a foot rub and sing them their favorite carol. I went on Christmas Eve and spent many hours rubbing feet and singing their favorite carol to each patient. Many cried. I wasn't lonely and had a wonderful Christmas Eve. It helped me keep in mind that we all have times when we are down but we are lifted up by serving others.

After that, I went about once a week to sing. Then, as the years went on, I got busy and had my kids more and more as the older girls stopped going on visitations so my alone time was gone. With that, I invited them to come and sing with me. There were a few patients that won our hearts and we ended up going to sing at their home after they had rehabbed out of the nursing home. We would visit and sing to them for years. It was an older couple we followed from home through several nursing homes. Just recently they passed away. The wife would cry each time we came to sing and would beg us for "just one more" after each song.

The older girls would invite some of their male friends and we would sing 4 part harmony. The older girls moved out and the younger girls and I haven't gone as often but when we do they beg me to stop at the hospital on the way home so we can sing to the patients there as well.

This past Sunday, my 15 year old daughter was the only one home. After church services, she said she thought we should go sing at the local care center. I though how funny as I had the same thought. So, we took a bag of "dum dum" suckers and headed out.

We sang their favorite hymn in 2 part harmony. It was so much fun and my daughter is getting really good. I was so glad that I listened to that talk tape by Michael Ballam years ago where he made the suggestion of singing at the old folk's home. I just googled his name and I guess he is still doing concerts for the elderly. Here is a link.,5143,355014358,00.html

When my mom was in ICU, a man came in with a guitar and sang the most beautiful song to my mother. He said he has been going every Sunday night for years. I can't imagine the lives he has blessed with his beautiful talent.

So, my suggestion is "Sing, Sing a Song!"

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