Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Playing Hard in the Yard

I got a trampoline about 7 years ago. We had a swing set in our yard. When I would mow, I had to mow around and beneath the swings and move the tramp so that the grass under it wouldn't die. It got very frustrating trying to move the tramp by myself and the slide on the swing etc.

I decided since nothing seemed to grow at the back of the yard by the fence I would make a playground. I bought some railroad ties and was told that they had toxins in them and I shouldn't use them where children would be or I would be planting a garden. So, I promptly took them out (With a little help from my brother-in-law as putting them in about put me under.)

I then went and looked at the local lumber store for some cheap lumber to use and was blessed to find 12 inch by 1 pieces that I linked together with metal fencing clips. I measured out what I wanted space wise for the trampoline, swing set, play house and I wanted a hammock so I figured out the space for it and then linked the boards to fit.

What to put beneath the swing was the biggest concern. I have friends that put in gravel and when I called about that, the cost was huge and my other concern is that it gets in their shoes and gets into the house and in the grass. The rocks can be sharp and hurt to the feet especially on the grass. I called about putting in wood chips. I had put some of these in when I landscaped my sisters yard. They also were expensive and I got splinters when I put hers in and figured that could be a problem. I even looked at putting sand down. That would be expensive even if I went to get it myself, the few hour drive and the gas for as many trips as I would need would be horrific and the neighborhood cats were an issue.

For several years I had gone to the local fairgrounds and gotten mulch for my garden. I went to get some for my garden and thought it would be perfect for my playground as they mulch in sand, saw dust along with the bedding hay. I always put it on thick around the plants to keep out any weeds and my spring weeding takes five minutes where it used to take days.

So, using a borrowed pick up and trailer, I had the workers at the fair fill the trailer and truck about 4 times. I put about 8 inches of mulch down in my playground boxes that I made. I didn't have to kill grass or weeds because of how thick the mulch was, it wouldn't let anything grow.

I poured cement in a five gallon bucket and set a fence post in it and then buried it for a tether ball pole. When we have parties, I hook up the tether ball.

I spray painted an old swing set frame someone was going to throw away and use it for my hammock. The only problem I have now after 4 years or so is that the mulch has broken down some so I plan on getting more mulch to fill the playground back up to the level of the wood surrounding it.

Now, my yard looks nice (other than the fact that my weed whacker took a permanent vacation a few weeks ago) most the time without much maintenance. I enjoy going out and looking at the stars from the hammock or laying on the tramp. We have enjoyed many a meteor shower back there.

So, for the price of a few pieces of lumber seconds, I have a wonderful playground with soft ground underneath that doesn't need any attention other than the odd weed. I also figure that if I ever need to increase the size of my garden, I have a wonderful large raised bed garden that has been mulching to make wonderful soil for a few years now.

The week or so of work hauling mulch and putting in the lumber has been well worth it.
Play Hard!

1 comment:

  1. It is neat and beautiful playground. I love it.
