
Friday, July 2, 2010

No Computer Like Your Own Computer

First off, Happy Birthday to one of my best friends in the world! I LOVE you Nancy!

I left town today and am house sitting for my sister this next week after the fourth. I borrowed her computer to try and write this blog. However, I am so used to typing on my laptop that I am having a difficult time typing on her computer. I brought up all my DVD's, CD's, and back up drives so that I can finally organize all the digital pictures taken over the past 10 years.

I am sad to say that looking for some pictures to put on this blog takes me hours if they are older photos. For the past few years, I have had a nicer camera and the memory on my computer kept getting full so I would burn the photos onto a CD or a DVD and then delete them from the computer memory which created more space on the computer.

With five kids plus myself taking pictures on about that many cameras, we have pictures stored on 4 computers, DVD's, CD's, zip drives, old PC's and I am just about finished sorting the packages of old film pictures and putting the negatives in a safe place.

So, I am sorry for this bit of a lame entry today but I am hoping that taking this breather to sort the pictures and put them in a more orderly manner will help me to be able to blog better and quicker in the future.

There have been so many times that I had the perfect picture for a blog and spent hours looking but couldn't find it. So, I may go back into past blogs when I am through with this project and post some pictures that weren't available before due to lack of organization on my part.

I'll let you know how it goes. It is nice to be getting to my own stuff after spending so many hours on my parents and grandparents stuff last summer.

I am grateful for my computer! And, I am grateful for my sisters computer! Aren't we blessed?

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