
Friday, July 16, 2010

Gods Grace for my girls to see the circus

My youngest daughter heard on the radio that a circus was coming to town. She asked if we could go to the circus. I didn't have the means to provide tickets. I told her to give gratitude for what she had and to pray for what she would like.

That week the radio station I listen to was giving away concert tickets and would call you at home. I entered. One morning, they called me and asked me a question. I got the answer and won two tickets to a concert. They told me the date of the concert and I realized I wouldn't be in town that day. I told them I could give them away.

The same station was also having a contest for elementary kids to go on the air and tell a joke. I entered my youngest online telling this joke, "Why can't blonde's doubl
e recipes?" the answer, "Most things burn at 700 degrees." I got a call the next morning that my daughters joke had been picked and she won 5 tickets to the circus. The workers recognized that I was the winner of the concert tickets and offered me 5 more tickets to the circus if I wanted to trade in the two concert tickets I wouldn't be able to use. I was thrilled. That way the girls could go with their cousins.

I h
ad my brother-in-law pick up the tickets and somehow ended up with ten circus tickets AND the two concert tickets. I called the station and they were frantically looking for the lost tickets. I told them he could drop them off but would they be willing to give us two extra circus tickets for his trouble to return them. They were happy to give us the extra tickets.

So, a little child shall lead them straight to the circus. Her faith that God would provide tickets for her to go to the
circus was answered and the fact that she ended up with 12 tickets for free allowing her favorite friends (her cousins) to go with us.

That is truly something for which to give gratitude.

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