
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Gods Grace and Gratitude at Work Again part 1

I started this blog with the intention of writing how blessed I am in my life and showing Gods grace and mercies to me daily. However, I realized that many of the things that he blesses me with are not things that I feel comfortable sharing for the world to see.

However, this week two wonderful things happened and they will both go on the gratitude frame. Part one of what happened was that two of my daughters were performing as dancers in a sold out show for the fourth of July. I bought tickets months ago but being a single mom, the cost was high and I bought mid range tickets which put us on the last row before the nose bleed section.

I was blessed that both girls were dancing on the same side of the stadium.
I found the girls before it started and found out where they would be and I was blessed to have seats on the side they would be facing while dancing. Before they started, I went down to the front and sat in an empty row 4 rows back hoping the owner of the seats would be late.

There were actually 4 rows of empty seats in the sold out stadium. I was able to stay, video and take pictures from about 20 feet away at almost ground level.
No one showed up as I guess the seats were saved for VIPs or something. I had my other girls come down and watch with us so we got the best seats in the house right in front of where my girls danced facing me in a sold out football stadium.

The top picture is hundreds of boy scouts holding glow sticks and hundreds of dancers holding flashlights in the shape of the US. The synced it to music and it was an amazing show. My sister and her daughter we also in the show and we were able to get great video and photos of them also.

I don't think the night could have been better. The fire works, music, performer, dancers, family, friends, parking (my nephew lives a few blocks from the stadium and we had wonderful parking), and best of all, God showed me that he cares that I am there for my girls and allowed me the best spot to take pictures and videos of them dancing with more than 50,000 people in one stadium, to me, that is a GRATITUDE MOMENT!

It may not seem like a big deal but it was my younger daughters first year and many times she would look around for us and smile when she would see me. Had I been where my tickets were, she wouldn't have been able to see me.
Thank you God for caring about a young girls heart. For this I am Grateful!

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