
Friday, July 23, 2010

New Finish on Life - Part two

This dresser is like each of us. When babies, we all have value, new and like a "prize" that was Won from the Arms of God. Through life, we get beat up, stained, scratched and scared from mistreatment. Others stop seeing the value unless we create it but many have gotten so beaten down that they don't know that they have value to create. They don't know that with a little attention from the right person or help with the hard parts from a "friendly neighbor" that they have value and are beautiful even with the stains, scratches and scars. It gives them character and sometimes even more value.

New fittings can sometimes be put on. In the hands of a skilled carpenter, we each can be "refinished" and "refined" to become useful and beautiful.

God does that. Christ was a carpenter. In His skilled hands, when we feel of no value and we are so beaten we are useless to ourselves and others, He sees the beauty in the whole. He can put us back together again and get us new hardware. He refines us and sometimes puts a new finish through baptism and repentance. The old is gone, sanded down, the new stain and "color" of life is applied and the finishing touches of a shiny reflective glossy finish is the finishing touch.

When he is through with us, we are useful again. Still holding signs of our past to give us experience but now we are able to hold others in our drawers and support is now in the center of our life as in the drawer. We can change out the handles and be as different as the variety of choices for handles but the main piece is now beautiful and useful to any who may need it.

Sometimes we may get started on the right path seeking the carpenter to help us, but, we get neglectful. Perhaps we are cold to each other or someone has been cold to us. Just as the shop was cold. Because of that, we can sit for months being of no use to anyone. Then, we feel guilt and we can repent. Just as I felt guilt in leaving the dresser so long at my neighbors. We can feel guilt and start again. This time following through.

Like this dresser, we can get a "New Finish on Life" each day, we can seek the carpenter and be renewed.....

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