
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Credit Card Nightmares.....

Someone stole my credit card. Not my actual card that is in my wallet but somehow they got a card that is actually my number on a card in their possession with the actual number of my card and all I can say is they drive a BIG Gas Guzzling car because they spent over $500 in gas on my last bill.

Apparently, they did several months grocery shopping or bought a new TV at Wal-Mart because when I arrived home tonight at 11 p.m. from a week out of town, I was greeted with a phone call from the credit card fraud department.

I was not alarmed as they have questioned my purchases before. However, I realized having been out of town that the bill may be due and I didn't want to pay fees. I open said bill to find the total almost as much income as I get in a month.

I don't know who or how someone stole my card. I have heard there is a page online that one can post stolen card number on for others to use.

Whatever the reason, I was up all night talking to fraud people and they assure me my new card is on the way.

So to those living large off my credit card number.... Beware, the jig is up!

I hope your day starts better than mine did! Keep smiling and remember, things could always be worse. I am grateful that I didn't have to pay the charges!

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