
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Beauty, Is it Skin Deep?

I went to a bake sale auction this week. I saw the most beautiful cake. The person had made it to look like a popcorn bucket including popcorn. I couldn't believe that even the popcorn was made of frosting. When asked about the inside, it was just a yellow cake mix.

The cake sold for over $80. My sisters classic mint brownies sold for around $8. There isn't a gathering that comes that someone doesn't ask her to bring her brownies.

I make my traditional toffee for almost every activity where it is customary to take something. I have never taken them when someone hasn't asked for the recipe. The toffee and brownies may not look the best or look perfect but they are hard to resist once you have tasted them.

I think people are like that. Some look beautiful on the outside and are perfect in dress and shape. We tend to give them more value and time. Yet, someone who is weathered or has "character" to their look and we don't give them as much attention or value. We may be missing the sweetness that their friendship may give to our life by judging on the appearance and outside rather than spending the time to "taste" the sweetness they may poses on the inside.

Since being single, I have gone on dating websites and so much of who you write is judged on the photo and profile. Sometimes having talked with people about it, I hear stories of people putting up pictures that are 20 years old or using someone elses picture on their profile. I have seen that a few times. I wonder if people that meet me think that the outside matches the inside?

After pondering these things this week, I want my words and actions to be sweet like the toffee, where people want more and more and "want the recipe" instead of something that may up front look good but, when they open it up, it is ordinary and "out of a box" just like everyone else.

I hope all our words are sweet to taste and that we see the beauty that is beneath the surface.

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