
Friday, June 11, 2010

Sometimes You're Up and Sometimes Down part 4

My father has been a hiker his whole life. He hiked the huge mountain behind our home every week while I was growing up. A few years ago, we were camping high in the mountains and my brother dropped him off at the top of the mountain that afternoon and my dad was going to hike down. We arrived at camp at ten p.m. and my dad wasn't back yet and it was raining. We were ready to call out the rescue squad when in walks my dad with a flashlight in his mouth and his hiking stick in his hand. I asked him how he knew what direction to go in the dark as it had been dark for a few hours and many people lose their way in those mountains each year during daylight hours. He said, "I just have an inner compass." He was 73 at the time.

I think we all need an inner compass in life so that when it gets "dark and rainy" we can still make it though to the camp or place of safety and refuge. He had no panic or fear in him. I think that is how we all should be in times of trial. That inner peace can help us make it through without the fear.

I asked my dad that trip if he ever counts his steps when he is hiking? He said often when he is on a hard hike, he will count the steps breaking up the hike and seeing how close he is to the summit. Sometimes he guesses how many steps it will be to the next ridge or tree etc. breaking large and hard tasks down can make the task seem more manageable. It is still a mountain but taking it a few steps at a time helps us grasp it in a way that isn't overwhelming.

I hope we all make it through the ups and Downs of our journey together.

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