
Friday, June 25, 2010

One Week Journey of Appreciation

Have you ever found yourself stressed and feeling tired and wondering how you ended up where you are in life? There have been a few of those times in my life as you will now know if you have read this blog for very long.

During those times and many others in my life, I find doing service has pulled me out of my selfish thoughts and focused me on others. However, that is only part of the trick. Gratitude and appreciation for those around you make for uplifting and daily highlights in life.

During my divorce, I had an evaluator who would decide who would end up with custody of the children. For that process, he asked us to get "letters of reference" from friends and loved ones and put them in a book with some other information and give it to him.

I called many close friends and a few family members and asked them if they would please write me a letter of reference on who I am and how I am as a parent, friend, mother etc.

What I received was almost worth the whole evaluation! As I went through the letters, I felt as if I were at my own funeral. The words and thoughts expressed by those in my circle of life were so life changing and profound. There were stories of how I helped their children, I'd given advice, touched others by service, others by example, others by a kind word or card etc.

I pondered on why I had never heard from these friends and family members about how I influenced their lives before that. I then realized that I had never written them or told them how they had influenced my life either. I think for some reason we save those words for others to hear rather than the person who did them.

That day, I decided to not hold back. I wrote each of those people and others how they influenced my life. Actions they have done, words they have said, the example they have been and how little acts of kindness changed my life.

I am going to do something and challenge you to perhaps journey outside of the "box" with me and try a "one week journey of appreciation" for those who you know or may not know who have impacted your life in some way.

Is there someone who smiles at you daily on your way to work? Someone who picked up something at the store? Someone who welcomed you into the neighborhood when you moved in? Someone who gave you advice when you married?

Once each day, I am going to try to make a phone call, write a note or take a treat to someone who has made an impact on my life who I may have overlooked in the past.

Perhaps the biggest "person" we overlook, is Heavenly Father. I am going to try this and offer it to you as a suggestion. Whenever I feel stressed, upset, angry, frustrated, to picture God in front of me and tell him how much I appreciate Him, Christ, and all the things that He has blessed me with including health, eyes, home, car, pet, family etc. I will try to continue giving appreciation until the hurt, stress etc, leaves.

I am hoping this journey will end in a beautiful place of peace and joy where friends KNOW how much they mean in my life and Heavenly Father will KNOW how much He, and all He gives me, mean in my life!

Perhaps our Journey will take us to a mutual place! I want you to know how much I APPRECIATE YOU! THANKS FOR READING MY BLOG!

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