
Monday, June 7, 2010

Nothing is Im"post"able!

We had a few busy days this week. A wind storm knocked over two sections of my fence and broke off several other fence posts. My friend Jay offered to help fix the fence.

About 10 years ago, I had to replace some posts and the cement was so heavy in the hole that I had my very large and strong farmer neighbor with a chain around his waste and another neighbor with a 6 foot steel rod to get the cement out of the hole so I could put in a new post.

Jay and I dug out the large cement post bases and tried to tie a rope around it and pull it out with his truck. The rope broke right off. I went to my neighbors house three houses away to see if we could borrow his steel rod. He wasn't home and when I returned, Jay had the huge cement base out of the hole by himself. I was in awe. He had just filled the hole in and rolled the cement back and forth putting dirt under it which raised it to ground level. I was amazed that with all the man power of last time, none of us thought of this method.

It worked well for the next hole as well.

I had two more posts that were broken that I dug out with one of my daughters this week.When we had them loose,my neighbor that I share a fence with arrived home and offered to help since it was his fence as well. He pondered on how to get the cement out and I shared with him how Jay got them out and he was impressed and said he used chains last time he had to remove them. We used Jay's method and basically rolled it out of the hole.

My neighbor was going to roll the cement out to the front yard where someone would take it to the dump but I said I had a wheel barrel and I couldn't think of how to get it into the barrel when he used the two broken posts off the fence to make a ramp. We just rolled the cement up the posts and into the wheel barrel.

I have some smart friends! So, if you are ever in a situation where you need to get something heavy out of a hole, just fill the hole. Its kind of like the donkey that fell into the well story.

Thanks Jay for your wonderful idea and back saver!

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