
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Forts of Fun, Blanket and Sheet Tents

When you were little did you make forts out of blankets and furniture? Each one of my children has gone through that stage and my last has just about outgrown it but I was happy to see the best fort ever made my using furniture and a magic wand dowel. She was so creative in her use and building, it inspired me to blog about it today.

When I was little, my grandmother made a circus tent out of fabric and you put it over a standard size card table and put a dowel in the top and it did look like a circus tent.

When my older kids were growing up, they had the plastic tents with the hollow plastic joints. However, nothing has competed with the tent they made today. It has a room with a bean bag, a black bear rug and a shelf.

The most fun and favorite tent for me was the fan tents made by putting a box fan in front of a sheet and putting books around the sheet and turning the fan on creating a tent bubble.

A few years ago my younger sister and I were reminiscing about those and she thought it would be fun for her kids to make one so I ordered a box fan online and sent it to her. I went down and dug my fan out and made one with my children that same night. Growing up, we slept in them for weeks in the summer when it was hot.

With those hot summer nights heading our way, I think we will pull out the fans and experiment using one at each end! The ULTIMATE fan tent!

Happy Tenting!

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