
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pedicures in Peru

The ritual of Washing Feet was performed by Christ.
John 13:1-17 mentions Jesus performing this act. Specifically, in Verses 13:14-17 he instructs, 14 "If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. 16 Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. 17 If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them."

For the summer of 2007 and 2008, my girls and I went with my brothers and sisters and their children to Peru to do a service mission. We had many great experiences. The first year I went, I noticed that the women living high in the mountains above Cusco had one pair of shoes made from tires and they were sandals. These women walked miles daily and had some rough looking feet.

I had an idea and asked the interpreter to explain to the town leaders wife that I would like to give her a pedicure with some supplies I gathered from people who came with us to serve. She had no idea what I was talking about even after an explanation. I ended up having to give the translator one with the woman watching before the native would allow me to give her one. I gave one woman a pedicure and she just stared and stared at her feet. She didn't want to put her dirty sandals on after the pedicure. Her husband carried her home that evening.

When I knew we were going to go for the second year, I went out and bought about 15 pedicure kits. I bought polish and washcloths and put rubber gloves in each kit. I also bought each a Simon Dewey painting called "In Humility" that is my favorite portrayal of Christ washing the disciples feet and framed them with plastic so they would make the journey. Here is a link to the painting for sale.

When we arrived, I set up a day that would work best for the women. They work hard daily to survive with little down time and live in very simple clay huts. Most don't have anything but a mud floor. Very few have windows. Some have doors. Thatched roofs are the norm.

I sat on a log and put the women in a chair and the women had a very hard time allowing me to touch their feet. These women have no bathrooms, no running water, no fingernail clippers, no soap. Their feet are very dirty, with many having fungus problems and no nails. Some had sores from parasites. Many had spots and rashes along with cuts and wounds.

Some of the women soaked their feet for some time before allowing me to wash and pedicure them. Some took a knife and tried to cut their toenails before letting me work with them.

As I washed their feet, I thought of why the disciples wouldn't want the Savior to wash their feet. They lived simply. They didn't have bathrooms like we do. They didn't have running water. They didn't have clippers. No lotion, oils or balm to apply regularly as those things were very expensive.

Their feet would have had fungus, sores, parasites, deep cracks, wounds, and dirt, among other things. Washing one's feet is the lowest of low for that time. Christ forced them to allow him to wash their feet in an example of humility showing that we also should serve others from that position or attitude. We are having to "lower" ourselves to serve if we aren't on our knees.

The group I came with were very quiet when they saw the condition of the women's feet. Most said they wouldn't or couldn't have done what I did as the feet were in such difficult condition. It brought tears to my eyes to see the condition of these women's feet and to see how embarrassed they were to allow me to serve them.

If I weren't making them get a pedicure to get the kit, I doubt that many of the women would have allowed me to give them the pedicure. They wanted the clippers, polish and picture in the kit enough to allow me to serve them. I wanted to do it so they would know how to use each item in the kit. Otherwise, they wouldn't know what to do with them.
I wanted them to know of Gods love by seeing the picture and knowing that he did that for others and that I loved them and wanted to serve them in that same manner. I wanted them to feel that love each time they saw that picture. I know when I have my toes done and others rub my feet and serve me in that way, to me, that is when I feel loved the most.
Once I started doing the pedicure, they got so excited and laughed as I filed their nails and giggled as I rubbed lotion on their feet. They were all excited about having a framed picture in their homes as most just have mud walls with nothing. I was surprised by the colors of polish they chose. The liked the bright colors but I thought perhaps that would have been offensive but they really did enjoy the bright colors.

In the past, when we left items they had no idea how to use them. They are simple people without electricity. They use everything they have but sometimes use things in a wrong manner not knowing what something is for and how to use it. We let the kids paint our nails and we did theirs and then we left the colors with the teachers of the village so they could use them on the children.

I hope to someday paint a picture of the Savior washing the disciples feet that is more accurate of what their feet may have looked like, calloused, black, missing nails, and fungus ridden.

Since that experience, when I am asked to serve, I ponder if I am willing to start on my knees, in the most humble form and serve from that attitude rather than thinking I am wonderful for giving or being put out that I was asked to help. It is easy in our busy schedule to be tempted to say "no" when asked but Christ showed us how to serve by his example.

"For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them."

I pray we have the strength to serve others as Christ does and that we will be blessed in that service. I know that I have been blessed when I have served in a humble manner and am grateful that I was blessed with the opportunity to have such a wonderful experience serving in Peru.
Thanks to Rick Champlin for the use of 2 photos for this post!

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