
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"You are Lucky." "No, I am BLESSED"

Over the past 8 years, I have won so many things that I can't remember them all without reading my gratitude journal or looking on my gratitude frames.

When I run into someone I haven't seen in awhile, one of the first things they will say to me is, "What have you won lately?" or, they will say, "You are so lucky." I then reply, "No, I am blessed."

I've acquired many things without paying. Most of the concerts I have seen, I did not pay to attend. I have won cruises, money, $20,000 in Panasonic electronics, and many, many smaller items. I don't always get the things I want by winning them. Many times someone will call and ask if I need the item or just drop it off at the house.

The interesting thing is that I usually get what I need at the time or the thing I had been praying for even if it wasn't a "need" but just a want. I posted a picture of my first "Gratitude Frame" and will just start blogging about each item on the frame or something that is going on in my life. Today, I was blessed with something I have been praying for within the last few months.

My food dehydrator which I use monthly had a melt down and I found one with 12 trays today for $5 at a used store. It doesn't look like it has been used. I also had two slightly used ink cartridges that both dried up and Cartridge World just traded them out for free since they still had ink and weren't working. How blessed am I?

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