
Friday, April 16, 2010

BIG WIN part 1- My First Valentines Again part 1

When I first became single, I started using the law of attraction. If I needed something, it would show up. I didn't at that time understand as clearly the Law of Gratitude and how it affected the Law of Attraction.

My first bigger understanding of this was the week of Valentines Day in 2003. I was standing at the kitchen sink getting dinner ready. I was pondering that I didn't get any flowers for Valentines Day. I was having a pity moment. I quickly turned that around and started thinking about how blessed I was to have flowers in my yard and flowering plants in my house.

From those thought, I began to think how blessed I was to have a yard when many living in cities will never own a yard. I then thought how blessed I was that I had grass and flowers and how blessed I was to live in a quiet dead end street with a fenced yard and grass. It went on from there about how grateful I am to live in a state where I have family who love and support me and to be in a church congregation that are good to my children and helpful to me.

The next morning, I was working on my checkbook and it wasn't looking good. I was wondering how I was going to pay for the replacement picture window that was cracked. The window man was supposed to arrive any minute. I was hoping he would take payments.

Actual journal entry: "Saturday, February 15, 2003 - At about 9:30 the phone rang and I checked the caller ID and it said Mountain America on it. I answered it. It was the bank President that had been in Rotary club with my dad. He said something about the money tree and how they had been looking at the guesses and there were two that were right on and many close. He asked me if I remembered how much I guessed and I said $600 something. He said that in the case of a tie they were going to have a drawing. He said they had the drawing and I won the cash. $685!!!!!!!

I wanted to cry. I told him that it would cover my hot water heater and the broken window that I was getting replaced today! He said they weren't going to tell anyone until Tuesday because of the holiday on Monday but when they saw it was me they thought I would like to know. I couldn't thank him enough. I called Amy right away and told her and then Michelle.

While I was on the phone with Michelle and doing laundry, my daughter said that there were two guys at the door with flowers. It was the two men from the bank I had worked with in the past to keep my ex out of my accounts. They said that since the bank was closed on Monday, they thought I may like the flowers. I asked
if I could hug them both and did so. I showed them my broken window and told them the guy would be here to fix it at any minute. I told them I wasn't sure how to pay for it. They told me to come in on Tuesday for a photo and a check! They looked like Santa to me.

I figured out in my checkbook all of the charges that I hadn't entered and before I paid for the window, I had exactly $1.42 in my bank account. I can't believe how much the Lord loves me. I wrote a tithing check right off the winnings and the money back from the chocolates. Then, I paid my bills and for the window. I have a -$1,100 in my account until next check. This money will save me from going neg. I had been pondering on the fact of the Lord telling the missionaries to not worry about physical things and decided that I was going to leave it up to him to provide and not to worry about it. I got the gifts from friends at Christmas that is sustaining me and now this. Very BLESSED!

I then had the window guy come and he put in a beautiful vinyl window. It looks so much nicer. I got the mail and got my electric bill. It was $7 less than last month. In the bill was a donation envelope. I was about to throw it out but felt impressed to donate. I then thought that if you give to others you will receive 100 fold back. I thought I would donate the $7 that I saved in electricity to the fund and then I laughed when I realized I had already received the $700 in the past 2 days!! So when I was writing out my bills I donated."

I got my flowers for Valentines Day!

Little did I know, that was just the beginning..... Valentines Day has become a very special day in my life.....

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