
Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Tabernacle Choir - My Talented Brother

I went to see my brother sing. He is a member of a world famous choir. We were on vacation at a international family reunion so many of our family went to see him sing. 

I think that it is wonderful that they could get so many of our family together from all over the world. I will post about the reunion later but wanted to share this part now.
This is a short video. It is my brother who is singing. I am going through some hard health problems dealing with a cat parasite that I can't seem to get rid of. My health has been stressing me and when I went to see him sing, I felt peaceful about it. 
This is them practicing a song. I knew the words were coming up in one of my favorite hymns so I just did this little clip of him singing "all is well." I pray that this parasite doesn't kill me but if it does, "all is well" as in the end, it really is in God's hands.
At one point, the choir left between the practice and the performance and he knew we were there so he stayed in his seat. It was kinda cool seeing him up there in all those seats by himself. 
To get into this choir, you have a sent in audition. If they like what they see, they give you a face to face audition. Then, a written test on reading music. 

If you pass both of those, you then have to be in a feeder choir for three months and not be late once or miss any performances. Then, if you prove you are reliable, you then go on a waiting list until someone retires or drops out. 
For men, it is easier to move forward as they are more busy in life moving for work etc so my brother moved up fairly quickly but it was still a long process. His wife's brother and his wife were also in the choir for many years.
 At the end of the performance, they brought out the “guest” singer and sang to her and had her husband join her on the platform while the orchestra and choir sang this song to them. Everyone had tears in their eyes including the guest whose face was on the jumbo screen with tears streaming. 

I don’t think you can hear this song without a tear being shed. It is a short video of just them singing the words, “God be with you till we meet again.” 

I don’t know that I will ever have the opportunity to see my brother sing live again and one never knows when our time on earth is over. 

I just felt that it was special that I could see him achieve a life long dream of joining my mother as a member of that choir as she was a member of that choir for ten years. To you I say, “God be with YOU till we meet again!”

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