
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The July Canaling Tradition

 It's becoming a tradition.... Sad that we didn't take it on before now. When Princess Three said she was coming home for the holidays, she said she wanted to float the canal.

You would think due to her horrible first experiences with the canal and cutting her foot open on the fourth of July three years ago, she would NOT want to do it again and especially the week of the fourth.

However, it has become something we enjoy and as we don't own tubes, we used to have to borrow them but I purchased this little rubber boat at a second hand store for $2 and the other floating mats were $2 or so.

We knew we didn't have many options on timing as Princess Three wasn't home for long and we had the parade and fireworks on the fourth and we also knew Princess One and family were coming and probably wouldn't float the canal as when she was a teen, we wouldn't let her go as it wasn't something we had ever done.

Here is last years post about the canal. 

Here is a post from our first canal trip with our exchange student three years ago. 

Here is a link to our fourth of July Emergency Room Visit to get stitches on Princess Four's foot.

I found it really interesting that as we were getting out at the end, another group came and the current was a bit quicker at the end than the beginning and they were having a hard time getting out and the main cement rock to get out has the long pieces of bent metal sticking out of it. I warned the group to be careful of the rock. I then notice that one of the girls has a plastic bag taped on her foot over some bandages and is holding it out of the water trying to get out with only one foot trying to keep the other dry.

If we hadn't been there, I don't know that they would have made it out or not gotten wet or hurt in the process. Perhaps we should have the city remove those pieces of cement that have the metal on them and replace it with some slabs of cement that are like stairs.

Talking to my friends husband who is a foot surgeon, he said that there have been many cuts on that piece of cement. I know the city can't take responsibility for those choosing to float the canal but I'm wondering if at some point, they may get sued due to it being like it is as they do know that people go daily down the canal.

We couldn't talk Princess Two into going with us. I don't think she ever will as she doesn't like living on the edge or actually anything to do with bugs, or anything outdoor so we joked her while she was dropping us off that we will have to take her children with us in the future when she has them as she would never go with them.

She said she was fine with that which I am not sure I believe but I was also surprised when Princess One said she would go with her husband if we watched the baby. I never thought she would be interested but when we all told her we enjoyed it and it was like the "lazy river" at the water park without all the splashing kids running into your tube, she sounded interested.

Perhaps next year we can talk them into going. I really enjoyed going in the little boat. I sat on the little seat most of the time until the lower bridges and then I just sat in the bottom as you see me in the pictures. I have one oar that I used to steer so I could avoid the low hanging branches.

Most of the time we had one or all of the girls swapping out floating devices as we found a ring half way down as well. We tied them onto the lead rope for the boat. We talked and sang as we drifted. The singing part always comes when we go under the long tunnels as we like the echo sounds.   

Princess Two left us the larger car trading out for the smaller as we can fit the boat hanging out the trunk of the larger car. I accidentally missed the gate for exiting the cemetary where we get out and had to walk further as Princess Two had to park the car further up the street to keep it in the shade. As I headed back towards the car having overshot the first gate, I found a quarter in front of the car. Had I taken the first gate, I would have come from the back of the car and not seen the quarter just in front of the car.

I smiled to myself as I picked it up and headed to pick up the girls and boat / floatation items. I truly do TRUST IN GOD as He leads my paths even for a quarter! Just a BIGGER reminder to Trust in HIM!

I hope your holiday week was as amazing as mine!

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