
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Baby Signing Machine - Adorable

My daughter has taught her daughter sign language. Basic signs for things she may want or need. 
Her daughter is such a happy baby because all of her needs are being met. She signs "more, thanks, please, potty, tired, diaper change, etc" 
She is so cute on the first video asking for "more" pickles, saying "please" and "thank you." Each child will alter the signs to fit them. 
The top picture is her asking for more. She touches the tips of her fingers together.The "thank you" sign is usually from the chin but she signs it on her chest and then out. You can see her doing that in the second photo above.

The third photo is her asking, "please." When she signs, "please" she scratches her chest and says, "Pst, pst." it is the cutest thing. I find the girls when asking for something from me saying, "Pst, pst" for "please" now. It always brings a smile to my face. 
She also signs, "Done" when she wants to get down but it looks an awful lot like, "Dancing and Music" signs to me but her mom can usually tell the difference. It is a great way to help your baby communicate with the adults in its world. 

The second video shows her waving and saying "hi" to me which she did anytime anyone walked into the room. She then signs music when all the girls are singing. She signs that and "all done" very similarly but in context, you can figure it out easily enough.  
I really wanted to post more pictures of her on here but with camp coming and it is 3 a.m. and I still need to pack myself and post for two more days, I think I will let this be my post for today and hopefully I can add more later as she is SO adorable! The last pictures are her so tired she didn't even wake to leave. I think we ran her ragged while she was here.

I LOVE being a grandma and hope to enjoy LOTS more grandchildren!

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