
Friday, July 17, 2015

A Helping "Hand"

This past month, we have had new neighbors move in. Princess Five wanted to make some suckers and I told some people who helped us that I would make them some as a "thank you" for their help. We made about four batches.
I shared a post in the past about these cute little sticky note hands I found. Click here for that post. I thought they were so cute for this as they gave us a helping "hand" so I thought that was cute. 

Then, with the new neighbors, we wrote, "Let us know if you need a "hand"." on the note. It was cute and since some of our sucker molds are hands saying the "I love you sign" I figured it was perfect for sharing.  

I know that the four people we gave bags to appreciated them and we got to share a large bag with one of Princess Five's good friends family who also just moved into town recently. 

Thought it was a cute idea that I would share.Have a great weekend. 

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