
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Nightmare Of It All – Horsehair, Nematomorpha, Gordian Worm - Stongyloides Stercoralis or Thread Worm Part 2


More symptoms described from my experiences of "thread worm" as I still have or have had in the past.

SLEEP APNEA – (Click here for a post about this) I had never had sleep apnea before this. My former spouse and I were together for 15 years and there wasn’t one episode of it. I started waking myself gasping. It got more common and over the past three months of hyperinfection, I would wake myself napping in the car for a few minutes, falling asleep on the couch gasping, in bed at night many times. It got worse as the parasites got worse. I tried sleep apnea devices and sleeping with oxygen at one point but I would wake with so much air in my stomach that I would need to burp and the machine thought I wasn’t breathing so I would wake up 20 to 50 times at night ripping the machine off. I figured horrible sleep was better than no sleep and stopped using the machine. I tried oxygen but felt that with it on at night, I was having a harder time breathing during the day and it scared me so I stopped using it. My children won’t sleep in my bed because I wake them not breathing. I wake myself all the time not breathing.

LUNG PAIN AND BREATHING DIFFICULTIES – About four years after the main symptoms, I started to have breathing and lung problems. I am a singer and when I would sing, I would run out of air and nothing would come out. It continued to get worse and worse until I went to the Dr. and got a pulmonary function test. It showed “ Minimal obstructive lung defect. The airway obstruction is confirmed by the decrease in flow rate at 50% and 75% of the flow volume curve.” This showed lung damage and the starting of COPD.
I called the Dr. I’d seen in January of this past year (6 months ago) and asked for the results of my chest x-ray as I could feel burning and tightness in my chest all the time. His office said my chest x-ray was normal. After I took the Vermox parasite pills about March, a few weeks later, I felt thousands of things moving in my chest.

The only way I could describe it is when you see the little fishes in schools in the ocean and the current changes, and they all change direction, when I would move position, that is what it felt like was going on in my chest. It was so bad one night I couldn’t sleep so I prayed what to do. I felt that I should “huff” hydrogen peroxide into my lungs and hold it there. I did this twice and then “huffed” colloidal silver into my lungs as I felt like I was dying. Those helped and I started doing that when the tight vice pressure would grip my chest / heart and lung area. When I did my first google search, I typed in “Parasite, lungs, sores in throat and high white count” and up came Löffler's syndrome along with “Strongyloides Parasites”. It is a secondary lung problem which is caused by a high white count and other lung damage due to parasites in the lungs. It can cause coughing, wheezing and pneumonia type symptoms. I wheeze at simple walks, run out of air more and more often and quickly.

I finally called another Dr. and called to get my lab results from the first Dr.’s office I visited in January. When I got the chest x-ray results, I was so frustrated. The chest x-rays showed damage and my heart was smaller than it should be. Having had x-rays, heart ultrasound etc in the past, I have not had a diagnosis of a small heart so feel it is a result of the parasites as well. The report stated, “ Findings: Heart size is smaller than average. The lung fields are borderline hyperinflated. A scaphoid shaped density at the left lung base anteriorly within the lingular segments of the left upper lobe would appear to represent pulmonary scarring with some calcification. The lungs are otherwise clear. The mediastinal and osseous structures are unremarkable.
Impressions: Borderline pulmonary hyperinflation suggestive of possible reactive airway diseases and /or COPD. The significance of the radiographic findings would have to be determined in light of patient’s clinical presentation.”

My lungs burn all the time. I can feel things creeping in them even more than ever now. They burn daily throughout the day. There is a tight feeling like someone is sitting on my chest and I can’t get enough air. One day I was eating some crackers I purchased that had rosemary in them. I could breath more easily. I went back to the store and purchased more. They helped me breathe better. I used to get some relief by putting rosemary oil on my chest but no longer am getting relief from that. Once, I accidentally put frankincense in my mouth thinking it was different oil and there was an immediate reaction. I tried taking rosemary by mouth and both the rosemary and the frankincense caused my gall bladder and liver area to hurt. I think the parasites started “running” from the oils as I hadn’t had any pain in that area for a few months. 

I also noticed myself gasping for air at odd times. All the sudden I would just gasp. I find myself holding my breath when I breathe as well. I take a deep breath and then hold it and then do it again and again. This is involuntary and I don’t always notice that I am doing it.I noticed that Princess Five has been doing this for about a year. I will bring it to her attention and she won't have noticed that she was doing it. I never noticed it before these things.   

SORES IN THE BACK OF MY MOUTH AND THROAT – For years, I've had sores in my throat. I always had little bumps filled with fluid and if I drank or ate anything with walnuts, they would be more plentiful and larger. They aren’t cankers but fluid filled bumps similar to the ones on my arms, neck and body but in the back of my throat. If I would drink Spicy V8 or something with hot pepper in it (cayenne) the back of my throat would become alive and feel like a million little bugs were squirming their way out of my throat. Come to find out, that is exactly what was happening.This is a good reason NOT to share drinks or water bottles with people, even those you know.

 In these pictures, you can see little white reflections off the bumps as the flash hits them. Also, in the top picture if you look in the shadow portion, you can see bumps of all sizes. In the bottom one, you can see red dots on the roof of my mouth. My mouth is better than some because I drink the V8 with Cayenne daily and also swish my mouth with hydrogen peroxide a few times daily.  I also use Thieves oil in my mouth nightly. If I didn't do this, I know it would be worse as I saw my friends mouth. I will try to get a picture of her throat to include. This is a personal subject and not everyone wants to put their stuff out there. I personally don't like giving this personal information but if it can help someone avoid the "hell" my life has been for the past few years, I am all for that! 

EXHAUSTION - I was / am EXHAUSTED!!! I would sleep an average of 12 hours and still wake up tired. This was going on for a year or two. I NEVER felt awake fully. I dragged through life fighting exhaustion daily. I tried vitamins, iron pills, energy drinks and finally started drinking “Coke” regularly because I felt better while drinking it. Over the years I gave up doing more and more. My house started to suffer as I couldn’t deal with house, cars, kids, activities, community service and feeling horrible and tired. I used to go out dancing at least once a month or more, dating, bike riding, walking, exercising etc. I learned to spend my energy doing what “had” to be done rather than what I would “like” to do as I only had energy for a few things. I haven’t been able to find this online anywhere but I think that the parasite, at some point in its growth, puts out a sedative into your system. When I have the burning in my lungs, I feel like I am drugged. I am SO tired I can’t focus and fall asleep sitting wherever I happen to be. (See a post about this here. I call it "sit-itus) Sometimes, I am even on the phone.

I accidentally took a few drops of frankincense in my mouth one night feeling so tired and drugged. I was finally almost asleep after about five minutes of taking that. All the sudden, I was wide awake. It was like something gave me a shot of adrenalin. I mentioned how when I would be pulling one out of my skin, my eye would freak and I would see things, perhaps the frankincense kills them off and they were all sending out their “notice” to the other worms but it was very obvious to me. It was also weird in that it seemed they were moving down my system. At first, my brain woke up, then my throat and then chest felt better and finally, they ended up in my gall bladder, liver area after about five minutes and that area then started hurting. I wish I could find someone who has done more research on that but they are not a problem as much in the developed world so I don’t think as much studying has been done on them. I figured I would share this in hopes that someone may know more and enlighten the “CDC”, “UP TO DATE” and other sites that Dr.’s may go to for information when treating this. 
WEIGHT GAIN - I started gaining weight. Over the years, I gained more and more weight. It didn’t matter what I did trying to diet and exercise. I did our cities “Healthy Town” where you weigh in and use that as an incentive to diet and not gain weight over the holidays. I NEVER cheated, dieted, worked out (which caused me to get nothing else done due to being so tired after working out) and at the end of the month or two, I GAINED WEIGHT!!! I did this many time trying to lose weight and I gained so I decided that working out and being exhausted from it and starving myself wasn’t a good plan as I seemed to gain weight more quickly when I did. I think the parasites ate all my nutrients leaving me in starvation mode so anything I eat / ate, stayed with me. My friend that I mentioned in yesterdays post with the mouth sores and cats with parasites
said she is gaining weight at a rapid weight as well. My mother also gains lots for the amount she eats as her assisted living comes with one meal, she shouldn't be gaining weight like she does. She went up two pant sizes in a year last year.

RASHES - I had varied rashes on my body but if I tried yeast cream, they would get worse. When I tried lotions or anti itch creams, they got worse. Water would cause them to spread and my girls and I fought these rashes over and over. I tried essential oils, oregano oil, garlic oil etc and they seemed to make it worse spreading it out past where the oil was applied. Finally, the only thing I found that would help them “disappear” for some time was using diatomaceous earth and keeping the area VERY dry. Gold Bond type powder also worked for this and I would cut sock tops off socks and we would put the powder on the rash and cover it with this 100 % cotton material from the sock to keep the powder on the area and keep it from being wiped or brushed off. After a month or so, the rash would seem to be gone and die down. This was until the child or myself would be in water for long or have wet clothes on for any amount of time and then the rash would flair up again. Once, I was at a lake and was holding one of the girls on my lap and the rash spread from one of us to the other just for holding her for 20 minutes or so.Chlorine makes it worse. We never use hand towels and only use paper towels in the kitchen and bathroom to avoid spreading it.

Toward the end before I figured out what was going on, I started to get rashes on my bottom almost monthly for about 5 months. I would put the powder on for a week or two and it would clear up only to show up about 20-25 days later. I thought perhaps it was a hormone rash appearing with my monthly cycle but as I had started feeling “worms” I realized it wasn’t my hormones. I had rashes on the back of both hands for about 8 months, mostly in between my fingers. It looked like a yeast rash but due to my non-luck with the other rashes, I just kept putting powder on them nightly but they didn’t ever get better. I wash my hands all the time having worked in nursing for so many years, I double wash them after the bathroom and many times throughout the day. I think the water and not drying in between the fingers each time kept that rash going.

After having a horrible night one night, I couldn’t sleep. I was in pain. I prayed to know how to feel better. I felt to take hydrogen peroxide and “huff” it. I did this and felt some relief. The next day, I felt “impressed” to spray the hydrogen peroxide on my skin. I sprayed it till damp, left it until it was drying and then sprayed it again, once every five minutes or so for an hour or so. I then rubbed diatomaceous earth on the rash and went to bed. The next morning, I started spraying my rash again and freaked out when all these little white worms were stuck under my skin. They would disappear in about a half hour if I didn’t spray them but when I would spray again, even hours later, they would show up as they had died in my hand. My hand swelled for a few days as my lymph tried to remove the worms. I picked a few out of my hand and looked at them under a jewelers loop and they looked like black threads. When I dug the bigger ones out, my left eye would go freak like a ton of little bugs were zipping around. This happened when I would spray hydrogen peroxide on my nose area if I could “feel” something coming out. When I would use tape to “collect” the worm, my left eye would freak out again. I believe that these parasites send out a “warning” to other worms when they are dying. Perhaps warning them to lay there eggs or to “move away” or something similar to what the “crazy / raspberry ants” do when they are being killed.

When I showed my last Dr. the worms in my hand he said he thought I had scabies. This is nothing like scabies. I have seen that many times in my nursing career and this is everywhere on my body that I spray hydrogen peroxide, the worms show up. I then searched and read that during the second phase of life, the thread worm lives in the lymph fluid just under the skin burrowing until it gets too large at which point it uses connective tissues to get to the gut where it then molts twice burrowing through the gut causing damage. I showed my Dr. this information at my next visit.

One of my daughters has a rash around her nose for about two years. It won’t go away no matter what we try. I sprayed the peroxide around her nose and white things came up. I don’t show a picture of that but show what the rash looks like all the time. I have a niece that also went with us and she has had a rash around her nose and mouth for years as well. I think it just sets up where it sets up. I feel it in my nose now but never did for the seven years before taking the Vermox.

When spraying the skin with peroxide, it tingles at first and then there is a weird sensation where all my hair stands on end in that area like the worms are racing past them. The closer the worms are to the surface, the more itchy and painful it becomes. The peroxide did cause a yeast infection as it killed the normal flora in the area so I used yeast cream mixed with some liquid parasite meds I got at the local farmers store (IFA) mixed it together and spread it on the rash and it seems to be clearing it up well and is almost gone.

I noticed that I would get dried “rings” on my skin like there had been a thorn in it or something often when the skin on my hand is sloughing off. I figured I had pricked it gardening or something and had never really paid attention until I did the hydrogen peroxide thing. A few days after doing that, I had all these little dried skin rings with holes in the center flaking off. I think it is where a worm dies and it leaves a little spot where nothing is in the center as if a thorn was pulled out.

LYMPH  and EDEMA – I have been fighting swollen hands and feet on and off for a few years. Over the past year, I have had really achy pains on the tops of my feet and hands. I kept asking my family to rub them as I couldn’t get rid of the pains. When I sprayed the peroxide on and the bugs died in my hand, it had that exact pain that I have had in my feet and hands for a year or so. My hand swelled for a few days but also I do feel my lymph has been sluggish for years and now I understand why.

To be continued......


  1. One of my desperate prayers was just answered when I 'stumbled upon' your blog. I cannot believe the similarities in horrific symptoms that we share and have only read a few paragraphs thus far. I am dying in front of my two young adult children after falling "toxically ill" last November 2013 and cannot find a doc who cares enough to investigate. I am desperate enough to consider going to our local media and pleading with the public to assist me with my self 'diagnosis'. This situation is so painfully horrifying and you have given me some much needed hope. I look forward to reading the rest of your blog and thank God that you published it. God bless you. I'm sooo glad you conquered this ugly, disgusting and terribly painful 'demon' of a condition.

    1. Suzie-Q You are welcome and thank you for your gratitude. I wish I had conquered this parasite but as of yet, I am still dealing with it but at least we have it diagnosed and at some point, science will hopefully catch up to figure it out for all those that have written me as you are not the first and won't be the last. I had two this week on my blog and several on my youtube channel. Hopefully you can get it diagnosed now that you have an idea of what it could be and if enough people get it diagnosed, scientists will have to take notice. I wish you well in your journey....

  2. Its a Stongyloides type of hairworm (from sheep/horse/dog , its curable 14 days on ivermectine, + albentazole + doxicline. see youtube

    1. I did many doses of ivermectine, albendazole and have had some doxycycline. The anti-parasitic meds didn't kill this off. I tried it so many times that my liver is having issues. I don't dare try it again. The only one that seemed to hurt them was pyrantel but it just drove them out of the guts and organs into the deep muscles until I stopped taking it and then they burrowed out of the muscles back into the gut and organs. Not to mention the cost of those medications which ran well over $100,000. I am not saying it won't work for everyone but it didn't work for me on the horsehair nematomorpha worm I have been diagnosed with.

      I really appreciate you taking the time to share what has worked in your experience as it may work for others with similar worms. Thanks for watching. Have a Blessed Day!

    2. Hi
      if Albendazole do not work
      and you getting the start of the rash not by digesting food (another larvae stage after eggs in the life cycle that is rare)

      ever thought it might be "Guinea Worm Disease" ?

    3. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. I don't have the same symptoms of that parasite and actually got my worm diagnosed as Horsehair Nematomorpha parasite.

      Thank you for your comment. Have a blessed day!

  3. SHARKMAN Protocol, I agree it will help with strongyloides but it is clear I do not have that. Strongyloides are to small to see so what I am feeling is well over 3 feet. The only rounds worm parasite that is capable of such size is mermithid nematode. They do get confused with a nematomorpha. It would be nice to have something that is recognized but the medical community, recognized by others would be nice. I can go into more detail later on how I discovered it doing this but for now some brief info about my Nematomorpha infection. I am not a researcher nor expert. What I do know is from my interaction with my parasite. I know I can recall seeing them on my skin and everything in between. I can mark on my body most of them under the skin. I know it has not only created a tunnel system that it moves through. How? I'm not sure. Why? Because it needs a constant supply of nutrients. I can tell you that the fibers it creates (either from itself or cells in my body) is used in multiple purposes. 1 use is to attach itself to the skin. 2 it uses to create pockets or swelling of the skin so can be comfortable. 3 it will attach fibers to the nervous system to protect itself from being Disturbed by making the surface of the skin irritated. I have found that what I thought to be rotting skin or some kind of bacteria on the surface of the skin can be extremely painful but at the same time I could peel it off like a extra strength bandaid and the pain would disappear instantly. As for other areas of the skin that I call ground zero (were I believe the worms entered) can be treated similar but your not pulling anything off, I have been more like unclogging the pours of the skin. Blood will appear but I'm not damaging the skin. It can take hours but what I found is the swelling will go down and you can literally feel the tail off the worm twisting around itself and me to keep itself from having to move. I know this might sound far fetched however it has been tested over and over with multiple instruments. But don't take my word for it put it to the test. Doctors are a joke, if it is not in a book they can't seem to think about how to help. Doctors are like the people in the cave in Plato's allegory of the cave. God bless everyone of those that are living in someone else's delusion. Pray that one day they will wake up because at the rate we are going now many more will die from this. And I don't mean only physically but emotionally and mentally this thing puts your body through a war on all 3 areas.

    1. You share some interesting things. I had not heard of some of those things, like fibers anchoring etc. I do know they have areas they "Like" or "frequent" until I put oils over the area causing them to move. I hate when they are in the head, the larger ones moving under the skull is really disturbing but what are you to do?

      Thanks for sharing your situation and I am sorry we are all suffering with something science hasn't figured out yet. I appreciate you taking the time to write that.

      Have a Blessed day!

  4. Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite infection. It's one of the most prevalent parasites that infect humans and animals when they eat spoiled or badly cooked meat. Furthermore, the disease can be passed from mother to infant during pregnancy and through contact with contaminated cat feces. Toxoplasma infection affects more than 60% of the world's population and is a major public health concern.

  5. I can't reply to the above comments due to google blogger issues, but just to let anyone reading this know that I was tested for toxoplasmosis and it was negative.

  6. I was just diagnosed with strongyloides 3 months ago with a positive blood test. I have been taking ivermectin with no luck.
