
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Living or NOT living with a Cat - Parasite!!! Gods Great Moments

The last few days have been SO hard! The medication is so hard to get. They can't seem to get enough in so I get a prescription filled that isn't "Full" and then getting the rest is like another prescription. They take days to get it in and I miss days. I can only get 4 prescription a month on my insurance. Even taking it daily, I am still fighting horrible lung burning, heart pain, still have sores in the throat and soaking my hands every few days kills some but I noticed, they have migrated into my head more.

Reading about it online and from the experiences I have had the past few weeks, these things are so smart at survival. They send out some signal or something as they die warning the others as they leave the gut and head for other parts. I explained how when I would apply Rosemary oil, they would move down my body and eventually were in my hip and knee for about an hour until the oils wore off and then the migrated back to the gut, heart and lung area. 

Now that I have been taking the medication regularly, and as the lungs still burn, I put rosemary on the throat and lungs, they quickly have started in the eyes, sinus and brain. 

The weather here has been about 100 degrees for a week. With the hot weather, things have gotten really hard. They like the heat. I can't be in it for more than a minute before feeling faint, nausea, weak, dizzy and yesterday, they started hard in the eyes and the right eye hadn't had much but they were freaking out in both eyes last night. I mentioned it to Princess Two who is home for a few days and after going to sleep last night, I was awakened in the night with a bright light flashing in my (yes IN) my right eye. I thought to myself, the only thing I know is when your retina detaches, there can be flashes of light. In my sleep state, I thought, "the parasites are making me blind." I forgot about it as I went back to sleep but during the day, I was talking to Princess Two who was sitting in front of the window, and as I looked past her, I noticed I had a "Dark or blind" spot in my right eye which brought the event back into my mind. 
Yesterday, I woke with a very RED left eye. This had been going on and off for a few months now but I hadn't put it together that it was when I had been using oils, hydrogen peroxide or other anti parasite drugs. Now, I am sure it is that I am putting stuff on my lungs, thyroid daily and taking oils by mouth and taking the prescribed medication and they are headed to the hills. I don't have any "goo" in my eye like you get with pink eye so I am sure it is the parasites.  

I have been having heart pain for days again and I can feel them in several parts of the body and I figured out that they are in the tunneling stages when I feel that as it feels like they are tunneling through my diaphragm on both sides most times but I feel it often around the heart as well.

I tried to soak my head with hydrogen peroxide today using a paper towel and clips but I only had one show up as it is difficult to keep it wet and not get it into the eyes. When I took it off however, I could feel them in my sinus. I sprayed a bit of peroxide up the nose as well and it burned something fierce for a few seconds. 

I am praying I can get into a specialist and see if they can get me IV meds as the pills are just working too slowly and obviously these little guys are into surviving!

Now for the blessings of the week. I have been talking to a wonderful woman who is trying to get me into see a specialist for low or no cost. I had to be referred by my primary care physician and as soon as she returned my call, I felt like we were friends. She has been so great to inform me of things and share options. She was out of town and the specialist was out of the office the other days so hopefully, I will hear soon about being seen. Perhaps he could even just consult as to the best way to deal with this. 

First thing this morning, Princess Two runs in and shows me her "account balance" all excited. The number I see when God is telling me things will be "OK" is 111. She sees 444 when she feels God is telling her "things will be OK!" Her account $11,114,44. Yes, he does love us both and is telling us BOTH to trust Him. I told her to send me a screen shot. I will probably share the car situation with you tomorrow as that was part of the rough week I've had. She has joined me on that journey and GOD is in charge. 

I found a penny today as I was frustrated about things and I KNOW God is watching over me with everything that is going on.  

I sat to write this post and flipped to the facebook page and there was this washer and dryer at the top for sale. Not sure why the person put that amount on it but perhaps it was to get peoples attention. Well, it got mine! Top of the page, front and center! 

I don't think any of the 111 sightings are coincidence. Princess Two sent the second photo to me this week as she walked past it for work. I have looked at the clock, stores, etc that all had 111 on them. Even at the mechanics with all the stuff, there was a 111 on something he had taped to his desk and a $4,444 check that someone made and it was just what Princess Two needed at that point. 

No matter how hard our lives get, HE continues to let me know that He is there and I WILL make it through this. God is great and I am grateful that I recognize and know Him! I pray that I can learn what I need to learn to get through this and be done with it. I do know it is to help others figure it out as well but I just hope I can figure it out well enough that others don't have to progress to this point to figure it out!

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