
Monday, June 22, 2015

Fixing the Hole Rips in a Shower Curtain or Liner

I went in to clean Princess Five's bathroom the other day and noticed that there were three rips in the top holes that hold the shower curtain in place. 

A week or two ago, I noticed one rip in the first hole. I forgot about it and now there were three rips and one almost ripped. I figured I could use an easy blog post. 
Not feeling well I figured I would do an easy post for a few days. I am still fighting burning in my lungs and am still really tired as I try to fight off the parasites. 

Basically, to fix the curtain, you need some clear tape or duct / duck tape the color of the curtain or liner you need to repair. You also need scissors and a hole punch. 

Cut off a section of tape that is long enough to fold over and cover both sides of the tear all the way to the bottom giving yourself a little extra for a bottom edge. Also, you can do two layers thick if you think that the curtain will take some abuse. 

Place half of the tape on the curtain over the hole and leave just as much over the top to fold over on the back side of the curtain. 

Press the tape and smooth it down getting out any bubbles. If it is loose, it can get mildew under it. 

Once you have the tape on it, use a hole punch to punch a new hole into the plastic and tape. Don't punch it in the same place over the other hole as it will rip more easily. 
I just go to one side or the other to use the hole punch to punch a new hole. 

I also use this method if a tear is starting on a hole. I haven't had much of a problem with this until we got this two hook curtain rod so you can have an outer and an inner curtain on the rod. 

I think this type of rod makes it rip more easily. I still like it because it does have the two tracks for curtains. 

As I got online to write this post, I looked at the stats page and I laughed when I saw "whose online now" and what operating systems and browsers they were using. 111 five times. 

I also bought some "Emergen C" vitamin drink today and the box ripped in the bag on the way home. I flipped it to see how it opened and right there was batch number 111etc. I smiled thinking how many times in the past few days I have been reminded to trust in God. If the box hadn't ripped, I wouldn't have noticed it. I bought three and that was the only one with the "111" on it. I also found a penny on the way out of WalMart this week as well. 
I am truly blessed to have such a loving Father who constantly reminds me "things will be OK." It has been a hard week health wise and I am sure it isn't quite over as I am fighting the worst of it right now. I'm grateful for His reminders as this week, I could use them.          

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