
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Day of all Days - Not a Healthy One

I have shared that I am having health problems. I also shared that they found a few problems. One of the problems is supposed to be helped by a prescription vitamin that replaces some amino acids in my system.

I can't say weather it is the vitamin or something else but the past day was one of the worst I have ever had other than actual delivering babies or surgeries or some horrible illness.

I couldn't sleep at all night before last. Not a wink. I was exhausted but couldn't actually get to sleep. I was up all day yesterday, went to bed last night and woke to give Princess Five a ride after 9 hours sleep and dragged around like I was drugged for an hour and then went back to sleep for four more hours. I woke feeling some what better but I made four wrong turns taking her to play practice. We have lived here over 20 years and I couldn't make a drive for a few miles without messing it up.

I was working on making these cute bags for camp. I made four big mistakes sewing things on inside out, stitching the wrong sides together etc. I had already made 12 of them perfectly fine last week but today, I couldn't get it. I then started with a migraine and took something hoping to feel better before going to bed. 2 hours later, it was still there. I took some more stuff and it is still holding on but at least I can function. I have been having heart pain for a week or two and almost fainted last week.

Things were so horrible today, I had a list of things I wanted to get done and I couldn't even deal with looking at the list of things needing to get done.

I seriously hope we can figure this out as I scared myself today. A few weeks ago it was locking the keys in the car and leaving them at two different stores.

This is NOT like me and to feel so horrible..... I pray that we can figure this out. Pray for my Dr. and I wouldn't mind a few sent my way.....

I'll hopefully share how I made these cute bags tomorrow if I feel better as they are really cute and I came up with a fairly simple pattern so lets pray it will be a better day.

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