
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Cleaning for Parasites - Thread Worm - Stongyloides

I recently got diagnosed with "thread worm" parasites. It is a CAT parasite that can infect humans (actually it is in cows, sheep, horses, birds, cats etc) but it is very hard to kill and since most people don't "worm" their cats it is becoming a huge problem. I have found so many of my neighbors and family members have all the symptoms and will be getting tested soon. It is hard to diagnose but I have been able to help with that. Check out these links to see about symptoms, treatments (so far) diagnosis etc.

Part 1
Part 1 re-write
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 
Part 5

Each of those posts has different information and you will see we have been learning more as we go. So far, I have been on medication for a few weeks and am still suffering with lung burning, "creepy" things crawling on me, seeing things in my eye, heart pain and stomach cramping and gas.

YES, this is very personal and embarrassing to share but because of my diagnosis and God letting me figure out how to "see" the parasites under the skin in their second phase of life, I have been able to help many friends, neighbors and family members figure out why they are having lung damage, rashes, throat bumps, stomach aches, gas, and itching. I think it a years time, this will be on all the Dr.'s watch list as the new "go to" diagnosis for lung / heart / stomach issues.

Anyway, I have been wiping down my home with hydrogen peroxide as I know the parasites DON'T like it. I dust with it regularly and I also share in the video how I am using diatomaceous earth as a drink three times a day in water (1 TBS) per Dr. order and I also sprinkle it on my sheets and bedding in case any come out at night.

For a year or more, I put it on my rashes to keep them calmed down. The best results I had with it is when I mixed it with an anti-fungal, anti-yeast cream on my rashes. The cream held the powder on the skin and due to the massive washing of the hands all the time due to this, and also over using the hydrogen peroxide at first, I got a yeast rash on the skin. Now, I just soak my hands and feet in the hydrogen peroxide every three nights or so for about 1/2 hour. It seems to keep the parasites down.

This can cause edema but any treatment you choose to use to kill this parasite, even the prescription drugs cause edema (swelling) so be aware not to treat a massive infection hard with all the meds on the same day. I started with one med for a few days, soaking only every third or fourth day and then add the second medication after I had killed some of them off. If you choose to do this, you most likely WILL get headaches as you kill off the parasites as this is called a "die off" headache and you feel somewhat sluggish and toxic for a few days.

Of course, this is only my opinion and how we have handled it. You HAVE to get a diagnosis from a Dr. to get the prescription medication but know that ALL farm animals get this and can be treated with several types of medication so make sure you treat all your pets INCLUDING sheep and horses along with cats and dogs as you don't want to get it back once you treat yourself!

Keep your bathrooms clean. Wash with soap in hot water. I actually wash once in the bathroom and then again in the kitchen just to be safe each time I use the bathroom. I have had that practice for years being in the medical field but it didn't seem to do me any good as this comes from the soil. Garden plants, walking barefoot, petting cats, cat scratches etc. I am sure cleaning litter boxes probably also causes a hazard.

We don't own cats but neighbors and family members do. We could have gotten this anywhere!

Anyway, WIPE everything down with peroxide. Vacuum often. Wash bedding in HOT water adding oxy clean type products. Dry on HIGH HOT in the dryer if the items can take it. I just stripped the bed of any non-essential bedding, washed it once, bagged it and won't put it back until I get it under control. This will cut down on the washing and drying process.

Oh the joys of pets!!! Even when the pets aren't yours!!!! 


  1. God Bless. I came across your video and visited your blog. I have been fighting Strongeloites for almost two years now. I was wondering if you were able to be cured from this? Thank you.

    1. Thank you Robert. I have not been able to cure it yet but know at some point I will figure it out. I have a list of things people suggested and I am getting through it and researching all the time. I keep praying it will be sooner than later but I will post if I find something that works! Have a blessed day!

  2. I have an awful case of worms. I spent around 1.5 years going to 10 doctors getting treated like a junkie I have found a 10% bleach water bath works amazing the water will have a thick film on it and I can sleep a non itchy night.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing what has worked for you! I have tried the bleach bath and it does what you say! I also like the citrus bath better for me as I have a mild allergy to bleach. Here is a post about that.
      I appreciate everyone for sharing what works and doesn't as we are all in this together! Stay safe

  3. Bleach is the best thing that I’ve found to kill them with. Plus they hate steel. These things aren’t the normal parasite
