
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mini Greenhouse - Free Way To Start Seedlings For Your Garden

 My sister gets all the credit for this post. I have two different people from different states staying at my house right now and they have visitors coming to visit them at my home so we have been very busy having the family home for the holiday, camping, and now company. 

I have several posts started for Princess fours prom but needed to get one done quickly as it is after midnight and I have to be up early so, this is what you get today. Thanks Sis for sending me this great idea. I have to say how impressed I am that she can get the seedlings planted already. I can't seem to get more done than cleaning up camping, washing all the stuff for that (fire smelling coats etc.) and doing laundry for our out of town company that got sick and ended up staying longer due to illness. 

My sister sent me these ideas on starting seedling that have worked for her. She is a big gardener. Here are some posts about her garden. Click here for "In My Sisters Garden". 
Click here for "Eve Has Her New Garden Of Eden Part 1". 
Click here for "Eve Has her New Garden of Eden Part 2."  

She said that she got these cupcake trays free from a neighbor who gets day old bakery from a store. She put cups in the area where the cupcakes sit and it makes its own greenhouse due to the top coming over it. 
She has used flat trays in the past but they cups slide and fall over. This has held them in place making it easier to transfer and the closing lid keeps them safe from cold and keeps the moisture in the soil.

She also used water bottles. I am not sure where she came up with that idea but it obviously has worked for her. She shows the sprouts coming up through the soil. 

If you don't want to buy some cupcakes to get the trays, try going to a grocery store and asking if you can have some, or if they would give you the day old one's free or for cheap so you can have the trays to use for sprouting. I bet they would gladly help you with that. 

On the water bottle one's, just cut the top off, plant the seed in dirt in the bottom section and then tape the top section on and water through the lid. I love that idea. We just went camping and had lots of water bottles. I went through cases of Gatorade and Powerade bottles and those would have worked great. 

In the past, I have used egg cartons and just planted a seed in each egg spot but that isn't like a green house. I am sure these ideas would work better.

I hope to get to mine planted this week but if not, perhaps I will have a weed garden. ;-) Obviously joking but, I did hire out the yard spraying this year. Last year, I spent lots getting the weed and feed only to find that one bag didn't have any weed pellets in it and then I didn't get the rebate they promised and for the same price, I can have someone come spray for me. It's a no brainer. 

I'm looking forward to not having the dandelion collection we started last year. They came up this week along with my daffodils. It made me sad to see the dandelions but I got a big grin when I saw the daffodils today.

Hope this information is helpful. Happy Spring!

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